Is this you?
You feel like you're never enough.
You wonder if God is disappointed in you.
You spend most of your day feeling guilty or ashamed.
You feel your value depends on pleasing others and staying busy.
You are exhausted spiritually, and never feel rested in your soul.

If so, it doesn't have to be that way!
Lose that constant nagging voice
that you're not good enough!
The More Power Than You Think
Video Curriculum

Using over 350 Scriptures…
this course restores balance to the Christian life.
You will learn to hear...
- God's voice... not the enemy's.
- Holy Spirit guidance... not the enemy's guilt
- God's peace... not fear and confusion
- God's gentleness and love... not His disappointment.
Start living a life where you are
rested in your spirit and victorious in your walk.

We were not created to live a powerless life.
At salvation God gave us victory through our position in Christ and He wants us to claim it.
This online video course teaches you how.
What We Cover in the Course

Module 1 - Building on Firm Ground

Module 2 - Establishing Motive

Module 3 - Committing to Truth

Module 4 - Choosing Sides

Module 5 - Embracing Christ's Perspective

Module 6 - Un-Complicating Prayer

Module 7 - Savoring Truth

Module 8 - Measuring Progress

This curriculum is not a study of Bible history, or origin of doctrines, etc.
It is a roadmap to help you have the LIVING WORD breathe and live through your every moment,
as your Companion,
as your Best Friend,
as your Father.

"Your teaching was so freeing! Thank you for being BOLD in your teaching!! I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes as you talk about walking with my Heavenly Father. (I) have longed for teaching about prayer: but so many teachings just don't ring true. Thank you for teaching this!! Fabulous material!! Fantastic material!!!"
- Sandy

"Jennifer, this study is rich and deep. I'm thankful!
Thank you and thanks be to God, too.
This week has changed my life."
- Tracy

"Jennifer, dear Jennifer... thank you soooo much for your tender dealing with our needs and following God's leading in giving us the truth in love! How I wish I had this resource and instruction many years ago... Thank you so much for all the study, prayer, time, and work you put into this course. I just wanted to express my gratitude."
- Judy

I'm Jennifer Skaw
In 2013, during a suicidal depression, I was diagnosed with bipolar II.
God used my fragile state to teach me the power His Word has to transform our lives even when our circumstances stay messy.
My bipolar is now stable and my life has been transformed!
I have a passion to equip and encourage women to claim and apply the power they have through Christ to choose an amazing life that is not dependent on their thoughts, emotions, other people, or the circumstances around them.
I teach of the power that comes from basing our lives on God's promises, and based on our God-given power to choose, so we can live, love, and be loved in the way Christ intended.

"I cannot list all the ways this course has helped me. Still, even almost a year later, I am using what I learned in the Bible study!"
- Jessica

"Thank you for sharing your heart and God's never ending Truth. The course was a huge blessing to me! Life changing truths based on God's word. He is able!"
- April

"I feel like we are sitting at the table together! I sense that you care about people & I really appreciate that."
- Kat

"I really like how practical this study was. It is something that can easily be applied to my daily life."
- Maureen
The More Power Than You Think Curriculum

Get a free INSIDE LOOK at the course
No credit card required.😃 See you on the inside!
Are my results guaranteed?
What if your version of the Bible is different than mine?
Who is this curriculum for?
Who should NOT take this course?
How much time does this course require?
What if I am a different religion than you?
How long do I have access to the curriculum?
Are refunds available?
Statement of Faith

What's Included?
9-Hours of teaching touching on over 350 life-changing Scriptures
8 video modules accessible via desktop or mobile device
50-page printable workbook
Flexible, at-your-own-pace course schedule and checklist
Email access to Jennifer for questions or comments
TWO Bonuses >>

Bonus #1 (KJV)

Bonus #2
A $50.00 Value!
"This has changed my life."